Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Glider Challenge: Design Phase

1) What's the challenge?- the challenge is too make a capable glider

2) Brainstorm solutions- we have an idea too create a very light weight glider so the wind can carry it.

3) Specify:- kite shaped glider made from Balsa wood and tissue paper

Glider Challenge: Test Your Prototype!

What did you learn from your test flight - I learned that you must also be aware of the outside conditions such as the weather and you must adapt your plane to the surrounding because there will not also be perfect weather for your plane.

What are your goals for your glider and how did you adjust your design in order to help it better meet them? - We added more weight so it could actually glide , since our glider was basiclly a kite and did notreally glide just kynda gently floated down.